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6 Results found


by Sonya Hartnett

Publisher: Candlewick, 2010
Pages: 232
ISBN: 9780763647605

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 14 and older

CCBC Location: Fiction, Hartnett

The Children of the King

The Children of the King

by Sonya Hartnett

Publisher: Candlewick, 2014
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780763667351

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 8-12

CCBC Location: Fiction, Hartnett

Golden Boys

Golden Boys

by Sonya Hartnett

Publisher: Candlewick, 2016
Pages: 238
ISBN: 9780763679491

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 14 and older

CCBC Location: Fiction, Hartnett

Sadie and Ratz

Sadie and Ratz

by Sonya Hartnett
Illustrated by Ann James

Publisher: Candlewick, 2012
Pages: 59
ISBN: 9780763653156

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 5-8

CCBC Location: Fiction, Hartnett

The Silver Donkey

The Silver Donkey

by Sonya Hartnett
Illustrated by Don Powers

Publisher: Candlewick, 2006
Pages: 266
ISBN: 0763629375

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 913

CCBC Location: Fiction, Hartnett

Stripes of the Sidestep Wolf

Stripes of the Sidestep Wolf

by Sonya Hartnett

Publisher: Candlewick, 2005
Pages: 208
ISBN: 0763626449

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 14 and older

CCBC Location: Fiction, Hartnett