Ga's / The Train
A powerful and distinctive residential-school story centers on a young girl who runs into her elderly uncle while walking home from school. He is sitting by run-down, inoperable railroad tracks, waiting. When prompted by his niece he tells her the sad story of a time when trains arrived every month, carrying rations for the Native families in the area. But one time, the train that came instead carried him, his siblings, and their cousins away, to a boarding school, where they were mistreated and stripped of their Native identities. The children were kept there for six miserable years. At the end of his story, he tells his niece is still waiting “for what we lost that day to come back to us.” Brightly colored illustrations alternate between showing the contemporary girl and her uncle, and more somber illustrations of the uncle’s memories. While the text is a bit longer than most contemporary picture books, the telling—and the story itself—are extremely powerful. The story is set on the Listuguj Reserve in Quebec, and the text is in Mi’gmaw and English (an English-language-only edition was published in 2021). ©2022 Cooperative Children’s Book Center
Illustrated by
Georgia Lesley
Translated by
Joe Wilmot
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 5-8
Age Range:
PreK-Early Elementary (Ages 4-7)
Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-10)
Picture book
Bilingual Books
Discrimination and Prejudice
First/Native Nations
Mi'gmaw Language
Mi'kmaq People
Older Adults
Diversity subject:
Second Story
Publish Year: 2021
Pages: 36
ISBN: 9781772602005
CCBC Location: Picture Book, Callaghan