CCBC-Recommended Book Search

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4 Results found
Lullaby (For a Black Mother)

Lullaby (For a Black Mother)

by Langston Hughes
Illustrated by Sean Qualls

Publisher: Harcourt , 2013
Pages: 24
ISBN: 9780547362656

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages birth-5

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 811 Hughes

My People

My People

by Langston Hughes
Illustrated by Charles R., Jr. Smith

Publishers: Atheneum, Ginee Seo Books, 2009
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781416935407

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 3 and older

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 811 Hughes

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

The Negro Speaks of Rivers

by Langston Hughes
Illustrated by E. B. Lewis

Publishers: Disney, Jump at the Sun, 2009
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9780786818679

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 10 and older

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 811 Hughes

Sail Away

Sail Away

by Langston Hughes
Illustrated by Ashley Bryan

Publisher: Atheneum, 2015
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781481430852

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-10

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 811 Hughes