CCBC-Recommended Book Search

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95 Results found
100 Things That Make Me Happy

100 Things That Make Me Happy

by Amy Schwartz
Illustrated by Amy Schwartz

Publisher: Abrams Appleseed, 2014
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781419705182

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 2-5

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Schwartz

19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East

19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East

by Naomi Shihab Nye

Publishers: Greenwillow, HarperCollins, 2002
Pages: 142
ISBN: 0060097655

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 12 and older

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 811 Nye

8: An Animal Alphabet

8: An Animal Alphabet

by Elisha Cooper
Illustrated by Elisha Cooper

Publisher: Scholastic, 2015
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9780545470834

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-7

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 513 Cooper

The ACB with Honora Lee

The ACB with Honora Lee

by Kate De Goldi
Illustrated by Gregory O'Brien

Publisher: Tundra, 2014
Pages: 124
ISBN: 9781770497221

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 9-13

CCBC Location: Fiction, De Goldi

All the World

All the World

by Liz Garton Scanlon
Illustrated by Marla Frazee

Publisher: Beach Lane, 2009
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781416985808

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-6

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Scanlon

Alphabet School

Alphabet School

by Stephen T. Johnson
Illustrated by Stephen T. Johnson

Publishers: Paula Wiseman Books, Simon & Schuster, 2015
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781416925217

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 4-7

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Johnson

The Apple Orchard Riddle

The Apple Orchard Riddle

by Margaret McNamara
Illustrated by G. Brian Karas

Publisher: Schwartz & Wade, 2013
Pages: 36
ISBN: 9780375847448

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 5-8

CCBC Location: Picture Book, MacNamara

As Brave As You

As Brave As You

by Jason Reynolds

Publishers: Atheneum, Caitlyn Dlouhy Books, 2016
Pages: 410
ISBN: 9781481415903

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 8-12

CCBC Location: Fiction, Reynolds

Awesome Autumn

Awesome Autumn

by Bruce Goldstone
Illustrated by Bruce Goldstone

Publisher: Henry Holt, 2012
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9780805092103

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 4-7

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 508 Goldstone

Being Frog

Being Frog

by April Pulley Sayre
Illustrated by April Pulley Sayre

Publishers: Beach Lane, Simon & Schuster, 2020
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781534428812

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 2-6

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Sayre