CCBC-Recommended Book Search

A searchable database of books recommended by the CCBC.

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671 Results found
¡Vamos! Let's Cross the Bridge

¡Vamos! Let's Cross the Bridge

by Raul the Third

Publishers: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Versify, 2021
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9780358380405

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-8

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Raul the Third

¡Vamos! Let's Go Eat

¡Vamos! Let's Go Eat

by Raul the Third
Illustrated by Raul the Third

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781328557049

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-9

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Raul the Third

¡Vamos! Let's Go Read

¡Vamos! Let's Go Read

by Raul the Third
Illustrated by Raul the Third

Publishers: HarperCollins, Versify, 2023
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9780358539360

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 5-9

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Raul the Third

¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market

¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market

by Raul the Third
Illustrated by Raul the Third

Publishers: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Versify, 2019
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781328557261

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-9

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Raul the Third

"Let's Get a Pup!" Said Kate

"Let's Get a Pup!" Said Kate

by Bob Graham
Illustrated by Bob Graham

Publisher: Candlewick, 2001
Pages: 32
ISBN: 0763614521

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 4-7

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Graham

The 3 Bears and Goldilocks

The 3 Bears and Goldilocks

by Margaret Willey
Illustrated by Heather Solomon

Publisher: Atheneum, 2008
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781416924944

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 4-7

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 398 Willey

5 Little Ducks

5 Little Ducks

by Denise Fleming

Publisher: Beach Lane, 2016
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9781481424226

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 2-5

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Fleming

8: An Animal Alphabet

8: An Animal Alphabet

by Elisha Cooper
Illustrated by Elisha Cooper

Publisher: Scholastic, 2015
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9780545470834

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-7

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 513 Cooper

999 Tadpoles

999 Tadpoles

by Ken Kimura
Illustrated by Yasunari Murakami

Publisher: NorthSouth, 2011
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9780735840133

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-6

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Kimura

Abigail Spells

Abigail Spells

by Anna Alter
Illustrated by Anna Alter

Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9780375856174

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 5-9

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Alter