The Changeover: A Supernatural Romance
Fourteen-year-old Laura knows that her younger brother is being preyed upon by an ominous being named Carmody Braque but neither her mother nor the medical establishment will believer her. Laura turns for help to a strange boy, Sorry Carlisle. she discovers that Sorry's mother and grandmother have supernatural powers and are willing to help Laura undergo a changeover, an inward journey of self-discovery to seek out her own latent strength and power so that she will be able to fight Carmody Braque and save her brother. Subtle parallels drawn between the changeover and puberty allow for interpretation of the book as a multi-layered coming of age story, as well as a problem novel, a romance and a fantasy. ©1984 Cooperative Children's Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 14 and older
Age Range:
Grades 9-12 (Age 14 and older)
Love and Romance
Atheneum, Margaret K. McElderry Books
Publish Year: 1984
Pages: 214
ISBN: 0689503032
CCBC Location: Fiction, Mahy