CCBC-Recommended Book Search

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7 Results found
Bucking the Sarge

Bucking the Sarge

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Publishers: Random House, Wendy Lamb Books, 2004
Pages: 259
ISBN: 0385323077

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 12 and older

CCBC Location: Fiction, Curtis

Bud, Not Buddy

Bud, Not Buddy

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Publisher: Delacorte, 1999
Pages: 245
ISBN: 0385323069

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 8-13

CCBC Location: Fiction, Curtis

Elijah of Buxton

Elijah of Buxton

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Publisher: Scholastic, 2007
Pages: 341
ISBN: 0439023440

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 10-14

CCBC Location: Fiction, Curtis

The Journey of Little Charlie

The Journey of Little Charlie

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Publisher: Scholastic, 2018
Pages: 234
ISBN: 9780545156660

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 11 and older

CCBC Location: Fiction, Curtis

The Madman of Piney Woods

The Madman of Piney Woods

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Publisher: Scholastic Press, 2014
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9780545156646

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 9-13

CCBC Location: Fiction, Curtis

The Mighty Miss Malone

The Mighty Miss Malone

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Publishers: Random House, Wendy Lamb Books, 2012
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9780385734912

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 9-12

CCBC Location: Fiction, Curtis

The Watsons Go to Birmingham --1963

The Watsons Go to Birmingham --1963

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Publisher: Delacorte, 1995
Pages: 210
ISBN: 0385321759

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 9-13

CCBC Location: Fiction, Curtis