CCBC-Recommended Book Search

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30 Results found
Bee Dance

Bee Dance

by Rick Chrustowski
Illustrated by Rick Chrustowski

Publisher: Henry Holt, 2015
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9780805099195

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-7

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 595 Chrustowski

The Beetle Book

The Beetle Book

by Steve Jenkins
Illustrated by Steve Jenkins

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin , 2012
Pages: 32
ISBN: 9780547680842

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 7-12

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 595 Jenkins

Beetle Bop

Beetle Bop

by Denise Fleming
Illustrated by Denise Fleming

Publisher: Harcourt , 2007
Pages: 32
ISBN: 0152059369

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 2-5

CCBC Location: Picture Book, Fleming

Begin with a Bee

Begin with a Bee

by Liza Ketchum, Jacqueline Briggs Martin, Phyllis Root
Illustrated by Claudia McGehee

Publisher: University of Minnesota Press, 2021
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781517908041

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-6

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 595 Ketchum

Butterflies and Moths

Butterflies and Moths

by Nic Bishop
Illustrated by Nic Bishop

Publishers: Scholastic, Scholastic Nonfiction, 2009
Pages: 48
ISBN: 9780439877572

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 7-12

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 595 Bishop

City of Leafcutter Ants: A Sustainable Society of Millions

City of Leafcutter Ants: A Sustainable Society of Millions

by Amy Hevron
Illustrated by Amy Hevron

Publishers: Holiday House, Neal Porter Books, 2024
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9780823453184

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 4-8

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 595 Hevron

Creep and Flutter: The Secret World of Insects and Spiders

Creep and Flutter: The Secret World of Insects and Spiders

by Jim Arnosky

Publisher: Sterling Children's Books, 2012
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781402777660

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 7-11

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 595 Arnosky

Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey

Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey

by Loree Griffin Burns
Illustrated by Ellen Harasimowicz

Publisher: Millbrook, 2014
Pages: 33
ISBN: 9780761393429

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 7-10

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 595 Burns

The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe (Scientists in the Field)

The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe (Scientists in the Field)

by Loree Griffin Burns
Illustrated by Ellen Harasimowicz

Publishers: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Houghton Mifflin , 2010
Pages: 66
ISBN: 9780547152318

CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 10 and older

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 638 Burns

Honeybee Rescue: A Backyard Drama

Honeybee Rescue: A Backyard Drama

by Loree Griffin Burns
Illustrated by Ellen Harasimowicz

Publisher: Charlesbridge, 2022
Pages: 40
ISBN: 9781623542399

CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 5-9

CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 638 Burns