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Always the Almost
Miles, a musically talented white teen from the suburbs of Milwaukee, has two New Year’s resolutions. The first is to win back his ex-boyfriend, Shane, who ended their relationship after Miles came out as trans. The other is to finally beat his rival at this year’s Tri-State classical piano competition. To prepare for the latter, Miles begins lessons with Stefania, a highly skilled instructor for advanced pianists. Stern and intimidating though she may be, Stefania embraces Miles’s trans and queer identities. Insisting that self-knowledge will translate into a stronger musical performance, she encourages Miles to reflect on who he truly is and why he plays. As the year goes on, Miles faces challenges both within and outside of his control. He begins dating new student Eric even as he struggles to let go of Shane, and he is deeply hurt by the transphobic attitudes of a few people within his piano community. Notably, though, Miles finds strength in the support of his family members and friends as well as in his music. True to Stefania’s word, when Miles leans into the joy of being trans and gay, his performance shines. Alongside Miles’s heartfelt personal journey, this debut novel excels at depicting the—perhaps surprising—excitement, tension, and high stakes of an elite piano competition. ©2023 Cooperative Children’s Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 14 and older
Age Range:
Grades 9-12 (Age 14 and older)
Competitions and Contests
LGBTQ+ Persons
Love and Romance
Music and Musicians
Transgender People
Diversity subject:
LGBTQ Character/Topic
St. Martin's, Wednesday Books
Publish Year: 2023
Pages: 307
ISBN: 9781250835208
CCBC Location: Fiction, Underhill
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