CCBC Lois Ehlert Window
CCBC reading room
Ehlert Window
CCBC reading room
Current Picture Books
CCBC entryway
CCBC reference desk
CCBC reading room

Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC)

The CCBC is a unique and vital gathering place for books, ideas, and expertise in the field of children’s and young adult literature. The CCBC is a noncirculating examination, study, and research library for Wisconsin school and public librarians, teachers, early childhood care providers, university students, and others interested in children’s and young adult literature. The CCBC is part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education, and receives additional support from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. More about the CCBC.

Book of the Week

  • The Fabulous Fannie Farmer: Kitchen Scientist and America’s Cook

    Fannie Farmer loved cooking as a child. When she lost the use of a leg as a teenager due to polio, her love of cooking helped reshape her vision for the future; while she recovered, she cooked. Fannie noticed that the imprecise instructions and measurements in most recipes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (e.g., “a suspicion of nutmeg”) made for inconsistent results.

  • MORE BOOKS of the WEEK
