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Mommy, Mama, and Me
A pair of charming board books offer warm looks at the lives of two young toddlers. “Daddy helps me paint the sky. Papa helps me bake a pie.” “Mommy picks me up, up up. Mama pours juice in my cup.” The rhyming text in each book highlights everyday activities the children share with their parents, whether they are playing music at home (“strum, strum, strum! . . . drum, drum, drum!”) or on a romp at the park (“go round and round . . . slide to the ground.”) One of the two children lives with two moms, and the other lives with two dads. Both children can be seen as either a boy or a girl, and both live in homes full of love, attention, and fun! © Cooperative Children's Book Center
Illustrated by Carol Thompson
CCBC Age Recommendation: Birth-3
Age Range:
Babies/Toddlers (birth – 3)
Board book
LGBTQ+ Persons
Diversity subject:
LGBTQ Family
Publish Year: 2009
Pages: 16
ISBN: 9781582462639
CCBC Location: Picture Book, Newman
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