Blue Jasmine
There are a lot of adjustments for 12-year-old Seema when she moves with her family from India to Iowa City. Her family must adjust to a new language, a new culture, new ways of doing everyday things like grocery shopping, and, most especially, the cold weather. The most difficult thing for Seema, however, is living half-way around the world from extended family she left back in India, particularly her cousin Raju who resents that she left him. But her new life in an American public school soon begins to crowd the corners of her mind, both academically and socially, as she begins to feel she is fitting in. Socially adept in both cultures, she is even able to deal with the classroom bully with aplomb. First-time novelist Kashmira Sheth shows remarkable talent for creating credible, well-rounded characters who are able to meet the challenge of living in two cultures without being forced to choose between them. This, coupled with her skillful use of metaphor, raise this novel high above the typical immigrant story for this age level. ©2004 Cooperative Children's Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 10-13
Age Range:
Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-10)
Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-13)
English Language Learners
Immigration and Immigrants
Indians and Indian Americans
Diversity subject:
Publish Year: 2004
Pages: 186
ISBN: 0786818557
CCBC Location: Fiction, Sheth