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Privacy Between the Pages: Selected Books for Older Children and Teens

© 2024, 2012 Cooperative Children's Book Center

Compiled by Megan Schliesman

Think you can take privacy for granted? Think again. These books for older children and teens offer thought-provoking perspectives on a range of privacy issues facing individuals and society. They include titles rooted in history, those that reflect contemporary life, and others that depict a distant—or not too distant—future.

When Personal and Political Collide: Historical Perspectives on Privacy

Bausum, Ann Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rights. Viking, 2015. 120 pages. Age 13 and older

Blumenthal, Karen Jane Against the World: Roe v. Wade and the Fight for Reproductive Rights. Roaring Brook, 2020. 385 pages. Age 12 and older

Giblin, James Cross The Rise and Fall of Senator Joe McCarthy. Clarion/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. 304 pages. Age 14 and older

Kramer, J. Kasper The Story That Cannot Be Told. Atheneum/Simon & Schuster, 2019. Ages 10-13

Lo, Malinda Last Night at the Telegraph Club. Dutton/Penguin Random House, 2021. 409 pages. Age 14 and older

Magoon, Kekla Fire in the Streets. Aladdin/Simon & Schuster, 2012. 321 pages. Age 12 and older

Miller, Sarah The Miracle & Tragedy of the Dionne Quintuplets. Penguin Random House/Schwartz & Wade, 2019. 320 pages. Age 11 and older

Nesbet, Anne Cloud and Wallfish. Candlewick, 2016. 385 pages. Ages 10-13

Sepetys, Ruta I Must Betray You. Penguin Random House/Philomel, 2022. 319 pages. Age 12 and older

Sheinkin, Steve Most Dangerous: Daniel Ellsberg and the Secret History of the Vietnam War. Roaring Brook, 2015. 384 pages. Age 14 and older

Sis, Peter The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain. Illustrated by Peter Sis. Farrar Straus Giroux/Frances Foster Books, 2007. 48 pages. Age 9 and older

Yelchin, Eugene The Genius Under the Table. Illustrated by Eugene Yelchin. Candlewick, 2021. Age 9 and older

Personal Violations: Privacy in Contemporary Life

Fitzsimons, Isaac The Passing Playbook. Dial/Penguin Random House, 2021. 299 pages. Ages 11-15

Gilbert, Kelly Loy Everyone Wants to Know. Simon & Schuster, 2023. 374 pages. Age 13 and older

Khan, Hena More to the Story. Salaam Reads/Simon & Schuster, 2019. 262 pages. Ages 8-12

Konigsberg, Bill Out of the Pocket. Dutton, 2008. 264 pages. Age 13 and older

Littman, Sarah Darer Want to Go Private?. Scholastic Press, 2011. 332 pages. Age 12 and older

O'Neill, Louise Asking for it. Quercus, 2016. 339 pages. Age 14 and older

Romanoff, Zan Look. Dial/Penguin Random House, 2020. 352 pages. Age 14 and older

Stead, Rebecca Goodbye Stranger. Wendy Lamb Books, 2015. 298 pages. Ages 10-13

Sylvester, Natalia Running. Clarion/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020. 328 pages. Age 12 and older

Walton, Julia On the Subject of Unmentionable Things. Random House, 2022. 312 pages. Age 14 and older

Whaley, John Corey Highly Illogical Behavior. Dial, 2016. 249 pages. Age 14 and older

Privacy No More: Futuristic Fiction

Anderson, M. T. Feed. Candlewick, 2002. 237 pages. Age 14 and older

Bachorz, Pam Candor. Egmont, 2009. 256 pages. Age 13 and older

Collins, Suzanne The Hunger Games. Scholastic Press, 2008. 420 pages. Age 12 and older

DeVita, James The Silenced. Eos/HarperCollins/Laura Geringer Books, 2007. 504 pages. Age 13 and older

Doctorow, Cory Little Brother. Tom Dougherty Associates/Tor Teen, 2008. 382 pages. Age 13 and older

Giles, Lamar The Getaway. Scholastic/Scholastic Press, 2022. 382 pages. Age 14 and older

Hautman, Pete Rash. Simon & Schuster, 2006. 249 pages. Age 12 and older

Mariz, Rae The Unidentified. Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins, 2010. 296 pages. Age 13 and older

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