A gripping novel about the D-Day invasion during World War II follows a young soldier named Woody. Woody’s experience during the invasion and the days and weeks immediately following offer a gut-wrenching look at a soldier’s life. Moments of intense anxiety, such as just before Woody enters the water during the invasion, and the confusion and frenzy of battle are especially compelling, but no less telling is Woody’s complete disconnect from reality when it comes to measuring time and distance. So when Woody and his unit have been battling for weeks he’s sure it’s months, and when he’s certain they must be miles inland from the French coast, it turns out to be a distance that would be almost meaningless on a map during any other time but war. Friendships may be measured in days; courage can be a quiet thing. Woody occasionally runs into Marcus Parry, an African American friend from home who’s a truck driver in an all-Black support unit. Myers not only touches on the racism and limited opportunities for Black soldiers at this time, but Marcus becomes a measure of how much Woody has changed over the course of weeks when he doesn’t even recognize Woody near story’s end. ©2014 Cooperative Children's Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 13 and older
Age Range:
Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-13)
Grades 9-12 (Age 14 and older)
20th Century
Historical Fiction
U.S. History
World War II
Diversity subject:
Scholastic Press
Publish Year: 2013
Pages: 212
ISBN: 9780545384285
CCBC Location: Fiction, Myers