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Ruby Lu, Empress of Everything
Ruby Lu is back in this sparkling follow-up to Ruby Lu, Brave and True. The arrival of her cousin, Flying Duck, from China means big changes for Ruby Lu, almost all of them good. She gets to be Flying Duck’s Smile Buddy at school, she’s learning both Chinese and American sign language (Flying Duck is deaf), and she even gets to go to summer school (although it takes awhile for the good things about summer school to sink in). Of course there are challenges too. Her best friend, Emma, claims Flying Duck is a real alien from outer space; there are endless craft projects (Ruby Lu hates crafts) after school; and an incident involving two small magnets and her little brother Oscar’s nose is more drama than anyone needs. Perhaps most frightening of all, there are the letters her teacher sends home from school one day—mysterious letters that Ruby Lu is certain don’t say anything good. Lenore Look’s humor is over the top but never out of control in this entertaining short novel. ©2006 Cooperative Children's Book Center
Illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 6-9
Age Range:
PreK-Early Elementary (Ages 4-7)
Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-10)
Asian Americans
Chinese and Chinese Americans
Deaf and Hearing Impaired People
Diversity subject:
Physical Disability/Condition
Publish Year: 2006
Pages: 164
ISBN: 9780689864605
CCBC Location: Fiction, Look