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My Book of Life by Angel
Sixteen-year-old Angel is living with manipulative Call, who offered attention, physical affection, and a bottomless supply of crack after her mother’s death. Now Angel is turning tricks for Call on a Vancouver street corner. Then Call shows up with eleven-year-old Melli, and Angel knows she can’t stand by and watch him destroy her life. Determined to save Melli if not herself, she stops using crack, suffering mightily from withdrawal, and bargains with Call to earn the money of two girls each night, as long as he won’t force Melli to start working. Martine Leavitt’s fearless journey into Angel’s dark world is written as a novel in verse in Angel’s quietly haunting voice. Chapter headings are taken from Paradise Lost, a book that one of Angel’s customers has her read and discuss with him. The story is powerful, the writing affecting and compelling, and Leavitt’s afterword, about a serial killer who targeted women and girls on the streets of Vancouver during the 1980s and 1990s while police failed to vigilantly pursue the crimes, is heartbreaking and enraging. (In the novel, Angel’s friend Serena has recently disappeared and rumors and fear abound.) But there is also, before that end, Angel’s triumph as she outsmarts Call, gets Melli to safety, and takes the first steps toward reclaiming her life. ©2012 Cooperative Children's Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 15 and older
Age Range:
Grades 9-12 (Age 14 and older)
Drugs and Alcohol
Girls and Women
Hope and Healing
Novels in Verse
Sexual Abuse
Diversity subject:
Psychiatric Disability/Condition
Farrar Straus Giroux, Margaret Ferguson Books
Publish Year: 2012
Pages: 246
ISBN: 9780374351236
CCBC Location: Fiction, Leavitt