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Say Hello to Zorro!
Mister Bud is a contented dog. His life is defined by routine and predictability, just the way he likes it. From Wake-Up Time through Nap Time (followed by Shift-Position-and-Nap-Some-More Time) to Greet and Make a Fuss Time, all the way to Movie, Then Bed Time, Mister Bud and his humans stick to the schedule without exception. That is, until the day Greet and Make a Fuss Time is altered by the arrival of a stranger: Zorro. Zorro and Mister Bud are immediately hostile to one another and the results are predictable. Bossiness, grumpiness, snapping, and barking ensue. The milestone moment of their relationship occurs the day both dogs simultaneously reach an epiphany: they have the same schedule! Walks, naps, and even bed become Better Times when shared with a friend. Mister Bud and Zorro are hysterical, both in the words and art, with larger than life personalities that leap from the page. ©2011 Cooperative Children's Book Cente
Illustrated by Carter Goodrich
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 3-6
Age Range:
Babies/Toddlers (birth – 3)
PreK-Early Elementary (Ages 4-7)
Picture book
Animals (Fiction)
Simon & Schuster
Publish Year: 2011
Pages: 36
ISBN: 9780807505106
CCBC Location: Picture Book, Goodrich