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Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)
Susan and her sister Sarah love to visit their Great Aunt Flossie's house each Sunday afternoon because Aunt Flossie lives in "a house crowded full of stuff and things." The sisters are particularly intrigued with Aunt Flossie's collection of hats--she has saved every hat she has ever owned and each one reminds her of a story from her past. James Ransome's elegant oil paintings move easily from the present to the past as he illustrates Aunt Flossie's stories, as well as the context in which she is telling them. A skillful use of dialogue aptly portrays a strong intergenerational relationship in an African American family. ©1991 Cooperative Children's Book Center
Illustrated by James E. Ransome
Wisconsin author
Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard was born in Baltimore, and raised in Boston. She lived in Milwaukee for a time as an adult. She currently lives in Pittsburgh.
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 4-8
Age Range:
PreK-Early Elementary (Ages 4-7)
Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-10)
Picture book
Stories and Storytelling
Diversity subject:
Publish Year: 1991
Pages: 32
ISBN: 0395546826
CCBC Location: Picture Book, Howard