The Goats
An unusual survival story begins abruptly with immediate tension as two socially inept, prepubescent kids are abandoned who no provisions and few clothes as part of an annual, cruel, camp prank. The boy and girl create their own moral code for remaining beyond the reaches of authority, while gradually gaining self-dignity and self-worth from each other. A provocative novel uses language with elegance and metaphors with ease in a contemporary tale of paradise found and claimed. The novel's eminently discussible elements and unanswered questions represent essential considerations forcefully presented. ©1987 Cooperative Children's Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Age 12 and older
Age Range:
Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-13)
Grades 9-12 (Age 14 and older)
Bullying and Teasing
Farrar Straus Giroux
Publish Year: 1987
Pages: 184
ISBN: 0374326789
CCBC Location: Fiction, Cole