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Iveliz Explains It All
This novel in verse offers a deeply moving and honest look at a middle schooler struggling with depression. Iveliz’s dad died two years ago in a car accident, and she blames herself. Sometimes he appears and talks to her, which worries her mom. It also worries her mom that Iveliz gets in trouble at school for fighting. Puerto Rican American Iveliz begins seventh grade hoping for a fresh start, but things quickly spiral downward. Her good friend Amir is upset because Iveliz’s feelings take up all the space in their relationship, and his own family’s recent struggles go ignored by her. Her burgeoning friendship with Akiko hits some rough spots, and then Iveliz gets suspended for lashing out at a bully. This first-person narrative written in journal form follows Iveliz into a dark place psychologically and emotionally, and then slowly back into the light when her mother realizes how much her daughter is struggling and makes sure Iveliz gets more help. This debut novel also addresses attitudes toward mental health: Mimi, Iveliz’s abuela, doesn’t initially see the need for Iveliz to take antidepressants or go to therapy, but she comes to see how important they are to the well-being of the granddaughter she loves in a narrative that is primarily in English but incorporates Spanish throughout. ©2022 Cooperative Children’s Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 10-13
Age Range:
Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-10)
Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-13)
Diaries and Journals
Grief and Loss
Mental Health and Illness
Novels in Verse
Puerto Ricans
Spanish Language
Diversity subjects:
Cognitive/Neurological Disability/Condition
Psychiatric Disability/Condition
Random House
Publish Year: 2022
Pages: 268
ISBN: 9780593563977
CCBC Location: Fiction, Arango