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Bear in the Family
Jasmin is feeling trepidation as she and her family drive down the long road to their house in the woods. Squished in the backseat with the family dog, her little brother Hunter, and baby sister Tara, biracial Jasmin is looking to her dad (white) and mom (Black) for explanations about the forest fire devastation surrounding them. With matter-of-fact gentleness, Jasmin’s parents discuss the visible destruction and prepare the kids for what they might find at home. They quickly discover that while they’ve lost their barn, their house is intact. While walking over to check on their neighbors, Jasmin hears a whimpering sound that she assumes is the neighbor’s frightened cat. However, she discovers that it’s a baby bear cub, orphaned and suffering from burns. Jasmin and her family quickly provide temporary care for the bear at their home after connecting with the local veterinarian. The baby bear, nicknamed Boo-Boo, captivates the siblings with his cuteness, but they realize, along with readers, that wild animals have very different needs than pets. In the end, Jasmin and Hunter say a bittersweet but relieved goodbye to Boo-Boo when a spot is available in the wildlife rehabilitation center. This highly engaging chapter book features black-and-white illustrations. While the story centers on the bear rescue, the loving and sensible family dynamic offers a firm foundation for the larger story about wildfires and rural community response. ©2022 Cooperative Children’s Book Center
Illustrated by Olga Barinova
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 6-8
Age Range:
PreK-Early Elementary (Ages 4-7)
Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-10)
African Americans
Animals (Fiction)
Multiracial Characters/Families
Natural Disasters
Diversity subject:
Publish Year: 2022
Pages: 89
ISBN: 9781459832978
CCBC Location: Fiction, Walters