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Emancipation Proclamation: Lincoln and the Dawn of Liberty
“As we waited for all of America to repent—to repudiate slavery—we wept, we raged, we prayed. Over beatings and brandings and bullwhippings. Over the rapes. Over families fractured on auction blocks. And then there was all that stolen labor.” In a narrative that demands readers connect the politics of the time to the human costs of slavery, Tanya Bolden explores the rocky path Abraham Lincoln walked on the way to issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. Looking at the Constitutions tenets on slavery (although, she notes, the document never uses the word “slave”), at Supreme Court decisions, and at the messy politics surrounding the Civil War, she documents Lincoln’s statements and thinking, which changed over time. Bolden reveals he was a man who, when first elected, indicated he had no intent to oppose the 13th amendment as originally proposed—it would have banned Congress from every abolishing slavery in states where it already existed. His moral compass shifted with time, but he was always too radical for the pro-slavery states, far too hesitant and lacking in conviction for abolitionists. He was a proponent of freed Blacks emigrating to other countries—an idea that didn’t gain much traction. Ultimately, he was a man who, regardless of personal belief, was burdened by trying to keep the nation whole. This arresting, important read is amended by a timeline, glossary, and extensive notes and source documentation. (MS) ©2013 Cooperative Children’s Book Center
CCBC Age Recommendation: Ages 13 and older
Age Range:
Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-13)
Grades 9-12 (Age 14 and older)
Substantial Narrative Non-Fiction
19th Century
Ethical/Moral Choices
History (Nonfiction)
Politics and Political Systems
U.S. History
Diversity subject:
Publish Year: 2013
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9781419703904
CCBC Location: Non-Fiction, 973 Bolden