Written and Illustrated by Ellen Raskin
Picture Books
Nothing Ever Happens on My Block. Atheneum, 1966.
Silly Songs and Sad. Crowell, 1967.
Spectacles. Atheneum, 1968.
Ghost in a Four-Room Apartment. Atheneum, 1969.
And It Rained. Atheneum, 1969.
A & The, or, William T. C. Baumgarten Comes to Town. Atheneum, 1970.
The World’s Greatest Freak Show. Atheneum, 1971.
Franklin Stein. Atheneum, 1972.
Moe Q. McClutch, He Smoked Too Much. Parents, 1973.
Who, Said Sue, Said Whoo? Atheneum, 1973.
Moose, Goose & Little Nobody. Atheneum, 1976.
Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three. Atheneum, 1976.
The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel). Dutton, 1971.
Figgs & Phantoms. Dutton, 1974.
The Tatooed Potato & Other Clues. Dutton, 1975.
The Westing Game. Dutton, 1978
Illustrated by Ellen Raskin
Happy Christmas: Tales for Boys and Girls. Edited by Claire H. Bishop. Ungar, 1956.
A Child’s Christmas in Wales. By Dylan Thomas. New Directions, 1959.
Mama, I Wish I Was Snow, Child You’d Be Very Cold. By Ruth Krauss. Atheneum, 1962.
Poems of Edgar Allen Poe. Selected by Dwight MacDonald. Crowell, 1965.
We Dickinsons. By Aileen Fisher and Olive Rabe. Atheneum, 1965.
The Jewish Sabbath. By Molly Cone. Crowell, 1966.
Paths of Poetry: Twenty-Five Poets and Their Poems. Edited by Louis Untermeyer. Delacorte, 1966.
Songs of Innocence. (Two volumes) By William Blake. Music and illustrations by Ellen Raskin. Doubleday, 1966.
D. H. Lawrence: Poems selected for Young People. Edited by William Cole. Viking, 1967.
Ellen Grae. By Vera and Bill Cleaver. Lippincott, 1967.
Poems of Robert Herrick. Edited by Winfield T. Scott. Crowell, 1967.
Probability. By Arthur G. Razzell and K. G. Watts. Doubleday, 1967.
This Is Four: The Idea of a Number. By Arthur G. Razzell and K. G. Watts. Doubleday, 1967.
Books: A Book to Begin on. By Susan Bartlett. Holt, 1968.
Inatuk’s Friend. By Suzanne Stark Morrow. Atlantic/Little, 1968.
Lady Ellen Grae. By Vera and Bill Cleaver. Lippincott, 1968.
A Paper Zoo: A Collection of Animal Poems by Modern American Poets. Edited by Renee K. Weiss. Macmillan, 1968.
Piping Down the Valleys Wild: Poetry for the Young of All Ages. Edited by Nancy Larrick. Delacorte, 1968.
Symmetry. By Arthur G. Razzell and K. G. Watts. Doubleday, 1968.
We Alcotts. By Aileen Fisher and Olive Rabe. Atheneum, 1968.
Circles and Curves. By Arthur G. Razzell and K. G. Watts. Doubleday, 1969.
Come Along! By Rebecca Caudill. Holt, 1969.
Shrieks at Midnight: Macabre Poems, Eerie and Humorous. Edited by Sara and John E. Brewton. Crowell, 1969.
Three and the Shape of Three. By Arthur G. Razzell and K. G. Watts. Doubleday, 1969.
Elidor. By Alan Garner. Walck, 1970.
Goblin Market. By Christine Rosetti. Dutton, 1970.