Q: I’m feeling disheartened and disturbed by what is happening when it comes to LGBTQ and other materials in schools that some people think of as “controversial.” I’ve heard of administrators deviating from policy, going so …
What IF … Forum
Questions about Diverse Materials
Q: I am getting questions that aren’t necessarily about specific books, but rather why we have so many diverse books, including books about/addressing race and racism, and LGBTQ materials, in our school library. Our community …
Talking about Intellectual Freedom with Community
Q: How can I talk with members of the community about the importance of intellectual freedom? That’s a great question. Intellectual freedom is foundational to the work we do in libraries and so talking about …
Concern Library Attempting to “Indoctrinate” Children
Q: A recent concern raised by several people is that our library is attempting to “indoctrinate” children with the materials we provide. What are your thoughts on how to respond? Like accusations that libraries are …
Claims That Reviews Reflect “Liberal” Bias
Q: How can I respond to accusations that the review journals and other professional sources libraries turn to for book evaluations and recommendations are biased toward “liberal” perspectives? First, it’s important to realize we all …
Offering Support as a Member of the Community
Q: I’m watching what’s happened in Texas and other places with books being banned from libraries and classrooms, or being attacked as being unsuitable for children or teenagers, and I’m horrified. I’m not a librarian …
Accusations of Providing Pornography
Q: Someone recently accused the library where I work of providing pornography to youth. While I don’t believe that’s what the books they’re saying this about are, I’m wondering if you can address the difference between …
Most Important Thing in Responding to Materials Concern or Challenge
Q: It seems like I’m hearing about challenges happening in many places right now. I’m trying to make sure we’re prepared in case it happens here. What do you think is the most important thing …
Weeding or Censorship?
Q: Why is it “censorship” if my library board removes a book that is challenged, and “weeding” if a staff member removes a book with problematic content? Even though I know the difference, I’m genuinely …
Books with Racist Images
Q: What does the recent announcement from Seuss Enterprises that six Dr. Seuss books will no longer be published because of racist images mean for my library? We don’t have all of the books but …