Joyful Song: A Naming Story

Cover of Joyful Song: A Naming Story
Joyful Song: A Naming Story by Leslea Newman

By Lesléa Newman
Illustrated by Susan Gal
Levine Querido, 2024
40 pages

Ages 4-6

This Shabbat service will be special for brown-skinned Zachary and his Jewish family. It’s his baby sister’s first Shabbat, and he and his moms (one of whom is Black, and one white) will announce her name to the world. On their way to the synagogue, they pass a series of neighbors, each of whom asks what the baby’s name is. Each time, the family gives a term of endearment rather than her given name: Little Babka, Shayneh Maideleh (“beautiful girl”), Snuggle Bunny. And each time, Zachary invites the neighbor to join them for services, and they do. Near the end of the service, Zachary and his moms and sister join the Rabbi on the bima. After his parents and the Rabbi bless his sister, Zachary is the one who gets to announce her name and its meaning. He has practiced the words all week. “Because you make our hearts sing with happiness…we decided to call you…Aliza Shira,” or “joyful song.” On the walk home, they say good-bye to each neighbor, giving the story a satisfying, full-circle pattern. This warm story of familial and community love is accompanied by richly colored watercolor and digital illustrations. ©2024 Cooperative Children’s Book Center