Q: Recently there was a book challenge at the library in a neighboring community. I thought often about contacting the librarian in the middle of it all but didn’t know if it would be welcome. …
Religious-Themed Fiction in Public School Libraries
Q: Are there any concerns to consider or have there been any challenges related to bringing religious-themed fiction books into a public school library? “Religious-themed” fiction that is published with the intent of promoting specific …
Requests to “Level” the Collection
Q: I’m feeling pressure to “level” the collection at my K-5 school so teachers can easily direct their students to books at their reading level. I feel strongly that this goes against what I believe …
Should I Contact Author of a Challenged Book
Q: Recently, we had a challenge to a book, and a colleague suggested that I contact the author. I ended up running out of time and never did it, and the outcome was fine (the book …
How Long Does a Banned Book Stay Banned?
Q: When a book is removed from the collection during the reconsideration process, how long do banned resources remain banished? Your question addresses two separate situations: 1) What happens to the material during the reconsideration process? …
Covering Words or Images (Expurgation)
Q: My principal and I had a great discussion about what to do when a book is challenged but when I mentioned that a parent might be upset if a book contains a swear word, …
How Much Weight Should I Give Individual Scenes/Elements When Selecting Novels for the Curriculum?
Q: I’m a middle school teacher working as part of a group to select novels for the curriculum. Some of us are struggling with books we love that are strong overall but that have individual scenes …
Defusing a Confrontational Situation
Q: Can you provide some tips on how to defuse a confrontational situation with someone who has a concern about materials in a library or classroom? First, take a deep breath. Extend a hand to …
How Can I Avoid Complaints about Books I Teach?
Q: I’m a new teacher. What can I do to avoid complaints about the books I teach? Because we never know what book might be upsetting to someone, it’s all but impossible to avoid complaints …
Am I Censoring if I Return a Book I Ordered after Seeing It?
Q: I ordered a book for my school library and when I received it and saw it firsthand, I determined that the content was too mature for our book collection, so I didn’t add it. …