Q: I struggle with selecting materials for our school library that are not compatible with my personal beliefs. I realize that the ALA Code of Ethics VII states that we “must distinguish between our personal …
School Libraries
Is a Selection Policy that Outlines “Acceptable” and “Unacceptable” Topics Promoting Censorship?
Q: My administrator wants to revise the policy for library selection and classroom reading choices in the middle school where I am a library media specialist. He is suggesting that we come up with very …
Does a Classroom Library Have the Same Standards as a School Library?
Q: Does a classroom library have the same standards as the school library? A first grade teacher came to me on Friday because a parent wants her to remove a book from the classroom collection. …
District Has No Selection/ Reconsideration Policy
Q: My district does not have a materials selection policy. Therefore, there are no official selection criteria, nor is there a process for reconsideration of challenged materials. What steps can I take to remedy this …
Cultural Inaccuracies in Books and Intellectual Freedom
Q: I’m unsure how to balance positive professional reviews with criticism elsewhere that points out stereotypes and cultural inaccuracies. It seems important to pay attention to those concerns, but also important not to limit access …
Balanced Collection
Q: I’m not sure what to do when I’m considering selecting a book that is clearly about something controversial. What does having a balanced collection mean? Do I need to always provide a book with …
Small Press Books
Q: How can I support the inclusion of small press books in the school library and curriculum when there are not professional reviews? We are making an effort to purchase more diverse materials, but the …
Administrator Wants to Avoid Controversy
Q: A parent came and talked to me about a book their child checked out. They are upset it was available in the school library. My administrator thinks it’s better to make the book go away …
Censorship vs. Selection in the Curriculum
Q: The English department at my high school has been discussing removing several titles from the summer reading list and curriculum and replacing them with less controversial novels. Is there anything that can be done …
Educating Parents about Intellectual Freedom
Q: How can I educate parents and members of the community about intellectual freedom and the negative effects of censorship? (Especially when all they are doing in their minds is trying to protect their/our children?) …