Fabulous Frogs

by Martin Jenkins
Illustrated by Tim Hopgood

Published by U.S. edition: Candlewick Press, 2016
28 pages
ISBN: 978-0-7636-8100-5

Fabulous Frogs
Fabulous Frogs by Martin Jenkins


“This frog is huge (for a frog).” Indeed, the goliath frog found in western African that is pictured on the opening pages of this dynamic informational picture book barely fits on the two-page spread. A turn of the page reveals a scattering of diminutive, fingernail-sized frogs found in Papua, New Guinea. Author Martin Jenkins and Illustrator Tim Hopgood share their appreciation and enthusiasm for frogs of many types (and sizes and colors and other varied traits) in this gathering of fascinating frog facts. The clean, simple page design, conversational narrative and arresting mixed media illustrations work together to create an inviting book of information for younger children. The primary narrative is accompanied by additional facts in a smaller font on most pages, telling more about the specific creatures. An index and suggested web sites for more exploration are included.  © Cooperative Children’s Book Center