Night Owl Night

Night Owl Night cover
Night Owl Night by Susan Edwards Richmond. Illustrated by Maribel Lechuga

by Susan Edwards Richmond
Illustrated byMaribel Lechuga
Charlesbridge, 2023
32 pages

Ages 4-8

Sova’s mom is a scientist who studies saw whet owls. From the time she’s a little girl, Sova asks if she can come along when her mom monitors owl migration each October. Each time her mom explains, “A scientist must learn to wait.” Now Sova is finally old enough to stay up late and go along. Although the night she’s been longing for has finally arrived, Sova discovers that even more waiting is required when their first two checks of the net her mom set up yields nothing but dry autumn leaves. Even though her mom has explained there’s never a guarantee she’ll catch an owl, Sova’s disappointment is palpable. But on their final check of the net, there’s one small saw whet. Sova watches as her mom measures, records data, and bands the young owl before they release back into the night. There’s a perfect balance of storytelling, information, and suspense in this lengthy picture book narrative. Sova’s engaging voice is full of curiosity, while the information her mom shares in response to her daughter’s questions provides a plethora of facts about saw whet owls. The illustrations show the warm relationship between Sova and her mom, both brown-skinned, and charmingly capture Sova’s child-like fascination with the owls she’s clearly loved since early childhood. ©2023 Cooperative Children’s Book Center